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Our story

A few years ago, we had to say goodbye to our brother and brother-in-law. He left behind two young children whom he loved dearly. His tattoos were the most beautiful proof of that. Those tattoos were so precious to us that we couldn't imagine them disappearing along with him. We decided to preserve them.

That's how the idea came about to turn them into a work of art that we could pass on to his children. As a lasting reminder of their dad's love. When we saw the love and comfort in their eyes when they received the pieces as a gift, we knew we had to share this idea with others. So that more people would have the opportunity to keep their loved ones close to them in a very personal way.

Every tattoo is a written page in the wearer's book. It is an honour to work with you to ensure that these unique stories are not lost.

Our team 

Our team brings together tattoo, art and design enthusiasts. Michael owns a tattoo parlor and has acquired a serious knowledge of the art of tattooing. He pays particular attention to the details of each engraving to guarantee a faithful rendering of the original tattoo.

Vanessa has over 20 years of experience in the communication sector as an art director and has completely mastered digital editing programs. She meticulously transforms every tattoo into a perfectly measured engraving.

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